Astronomers to View Saturn, Milky Way, the Moon and late Summer Constellations

The Discovery Center at Ridgefield, in conjunction with the New Pond Farm Observatory, 101 Marchant Rd., West Redding, is hosting an astronomy program that is open to the public on Saturday September 6th, starting at 8:00 P.M.

Saturn, with its ever magnificent rings, is truly one of the ten best natural wonders to see.  There will be dramatic views of the craters, plains and mountains of our Moon. Various late summer constellations and the Milky Way will be pointed out and discussed. Mars has faded in brightness, and shrunk in appearance, since a close approach with Earth in April, but it is still a fun target to view through the telescopes.

Participants should bring a flashlight for the walk from the parking area to the observatory, and binoculars, if you have them.

The program is $4 per person for Discovery Center members, with a maximum of $16 per family. For non-members, the charge is $6 per person, with a maximum of $24 per family. Registration is required. Visit the Discovery Center website to register ( or call 203-438-1063.

The website also has a link for directions to New Pond Farm.  If it looks as if the skies might be cloudy, check the website after 4:00 PM for program status.


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