Family Quilt Day at the Katonah Museum of Art

Featuring quilting demonstrations, a sewing circle in the Children’s Learning Center and various art activities in the Museum’s Sculpture Garden, along with special guest Ann Jonas, author/illustrator of the picture book The Quilt.

The Family Quilt Day event was presented as part of the “Beyond the Bed: The American Quilt Evolution” exhibition on display at the Museum thru June 16.

In the photo, Ava Fridie (Goldens Bridge) and Charlie Elizabeth Agranoff (North Salem), both 7-year-old first graders at the Rippowam Cisqua School in Bedford, NY.; with Tania Fridie, Laura Jensen (Rippowam Cisqua School) and Decima McKenzie (Agranoff caregiver) in front of the Old MacDonald quilt created by families from Neighbors Link and the Rippowam Cisqua School for donation to the new Family Center at Neighbors Link. (Photo credit: Andrea Minoff)

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