Farm To Table Spring Fundraiser at the GNC


Come to the Greenburgh Nature Center for their FIRST Farm to Table dinner and wine tasting fundraiser on Sunday, May 19 from 4pm-7pm. Register for the event if you are already a member. Become a member (if you are not already one) and sign up at the same time to enjoy seasonal fare from local restaurants. All signups are online. Go to their homepage and click on Farm to Table.

Guests will enjoy a delicious meal from an assortment of local restaurants and bakeries that promote using locally grown products and provide seasonal fare. In addition, wineries from the Hudson Valley region will showcase their award winning wines. GNC’s natural setting provides a lovely and elegant backdrop for this special evening.

When you arrive at the event, you’ll be greeted by the GNC team and invited to start your evening with appetizers and a glass of award winning, local wine from the Hudson Valley region. You’ll have an opportunity to stroll around the grounds and learn about their animals, exhibits and educational programs from GNC Naturalists and interns, and local yet world-reknowned photographer Todd Shapera will be on hand to provide stories behind the scenic photographs which are part of the GNC’s new exhibit.

After appetizers, you’ll gather around long tables to enjoy a meal prepared by several local restaurants and bakeries that provide seasonal fare and promote using locally grown products. Participants will walk around to the different stations, each featuring a different restaurant. Each menu item will include ingredients harvested or sourced fresh from local area farms and will be accompanied by local wines. Throughout the meal you’ll hear from different local Chefs as well as the wine makers who provided the evening’s meal.

In an effort to reinforce GNC’s mission and sustainability message, they are asking everyone to bring their own dinnerware (china, glasses, silverware). There will be an opportunity to rinse them off before you pack them up to bring them home. They have been diligently working to reduce waste and you will be helping them to do this.

GNC is a nature preserve, complete with uneven dirt trails and a grass Great Lawn. You will be touring the grounds and dinner will be served outdoors, at tables set up on the Great Lawn, so please dress comfortably and casually and wear practical shoes. Dinner will be held rain or shine, and evenings can be chilly, so wear or bring a sweater and/or jacket and appropriate layers. The event is held outside, so if the weather is nice, don’t forget sunscreen, sunglasses and hats. Dinner will be held rain or shine. In the event of rain, the event will be held in the Manor House.

The cost per person is $100 for MEMBERS. Not a member? Not a problem. Become a member and enjoy this special event! Children can attend at the per person rate; ages 12 or older. Seating is very limited so sign up online today to reserve your spot. See website to register.

Participating Restaurants:

Participating Bakeries:

Participating Wineries:

Note: Participating restaurants, bakeries and wineries may vary.

The Greenburgh Nature Center is a 33-acre woodland preserve with trails, a pond, gardens, a playground, and outdoor animal exhibits, including a birds of prey aviary. Our indoor exhibits include a live animal museum with over 100 specimens, exhibit areas focusing on nature and the environment, a greenhouse with botanical exhibits, and a gift shop. We offer special programs for groups of all ages on a wide range of environmental topics, camps and birthday parties, either here or at your location. We also have a variety of volunteer opportunities for all ages and skill levels.

The mission of the Greenburgh Nature Center is to offer inspiring, hands-on environmental education experiences, to foster an appreciation of nature, and to promote sustainable practices.

The Nature Center is located at 99 Dromore Road, off Central Park Avenue, in Scarsdale, NY. Parking is free, and handicapped parking is available. The Nature Center’s grounds are open daily dawn to dusk throughout the year. The Center’s indoor exhibits are open daily (except CLOSED Fridays and a few holidays), 9:30AM – 4:30PM on weekdays and 10AM – 4:30PM on weekends. For more information, visit our website at or call 914-723-3470.

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