Have you been told you’re funny? Stand Up Comedy Workshop with Christine O’Leary

Stand Up Comedy Workshop at the Ridgefield Playhouse Mon, 02/11/2013 – 7:00pm WITH CHRISTINE O’LEARY

Have you been told you’re funny? Do you steal the show at parties? Are you asked by your family and co-workers to ‘tell the story about ___’? This is your chance to try without risk what everyone knows about you – you might be funny and have a comic perspective that is all your own.

The Stand Up Comedy Workshop is a weekly class where you will learn the fundamentals of comedy writing and performance that conclude with a full blown comedy graduation show at the Playhouse. All will be funny and no one, not one, will fail. Time to get out of there, put it all on the line and tell the truth and laugh, it is cheaper than therapy!

Christine O’Leary is a social worker, project manager, social media editor, professional award winning comedienne and codependant social butterfly that just wants everyone to be happy!. Christine identifies this experience of performing all over the country, The Ridgefield Playhouse and on a tiny little stage on a lobster boat in Maine as the best high that has ever pulsed her veins and wants to share that with you.

Monday Evenings | February 11 – April 1 | 7:00-9:00pm
$300.00 – 8 weeks

Please call box office to register at (203) 438-5795!

For more information visit: http://www.ridgefieldplayhouse.org/event/stand-comedy-workshop

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