Learn Origami Saturdays 1:00 at Mount Kisco Library

OrigamiUSA’s mission is to share the joy of paper folding, preserve its history, nurture its growth, bring people together and encourage community among paper folders.

Join Westchester Origami Workers, a regional group of Origami, USA on the first Saturday of each month from 1:00-3:00 pm to share models and techniques. Starting Saturday, January 8th. Free and open to all adults. No registration necessary.

Origami is alive and well in America. Thanks to the dedication of Lillian Oppenheimer, founder of The Origami Center of America, for over 30 years there has been a place to share origami experiences and purchase origami supplies.

OrigamiUSA, formerly The Friends of The Origami Center of America, is a not-for-profit, tax-exempt, educational and cultural arts organization which is dedicated to the sharing of paperfolding in America and around the world. There are over 1600 members in 49 states and 19 countries and there are local-area OrigamiUSA groups in cities all over the United States and Canada.

OrigamiUSA is headquartered autonomously in New York City’s American Museum of Natural History through the generosity of the Museum Trustees….read more


Date: Saturday’s, January 7, 2012 (First Saturday of every Month)
Time: 1:00 pm 3:00 pm

Visit the Mount Kisco Library website for event details http://www.mountkiscolibrary.org/
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