Angelina Sauro, Elizabeth Riley, Bella Kassis, Molly Mann, Sydney Mann and Giselle Mann. Back row: Sydney Hurwitz and Kells Anthony
Pound Ridge Girl Scout Brownie Troop 2927 earned their “Food – I Can Help†badge which included helping the Mount Kisco Interfaith Food Pantry. This was part of a Girl Scout Patch Program that connects the girls to their community as they gain an understanding of how hunger affects individuals and families where they live and to take action to help ease the effects of hunger. The girls had to complete 6 tasks to earn this badge.
The Girl Scouts set their goals, which were surpassed, to each collect enough to feed a family of 4, complete all their tasks and to deliver the food to the pantry on Nov 13th. To earn their badge some of the tasks included learning about hunger, what it takes to feed a family and had to plan a weeks balanced diet menu for themselves. They also created informative banners to help educate others and displayed them at their school at Pound Ridge Elementary.
The Mount Kisco Interfaith Food Pantry is an affiliation of faith-based congregations dedicated to providing supplemental food to persons in need in the greater Mount Kisco area.
After the Girl Scouts earned their badges, they all expressed how they felt thankful for what they have, learned allot about hunger and felt good about being able to help struggling families.